youth group
welcome to welly youth!
Some people feel that church and youth don’t mix, but not us! We are a church that values everyone, and that means making church a relevant place for everyone by creating spaces where we can all grow in our faith.
Calling Gr 8-12's who are hungry to take a step forward in faith! On Dec 8 we're gauging interest in running a 2025 confirmation session. What this opportunity is really about is deepening our relationship with Jesus and learning what it means to be part of a community of Jesus followers. Join Kim and Adam in the Pritchard room after church at 12pm if you're interested. No sign up required that day this is just a chance to hear from you and hear what we would do together if we run this year!
junior welly youth
On Sunday mornings our Jr. Youth group gathers to chat about how school and life are going for us, and learn how faith can ground and give us direction as we head into those crucial years as teenagers. Every month we’ll explore a new question like “What is belonging?” or “Who is God?” and make time for everyone to ask their own questions along the way as we learn about God’s love together. Alex, Aimee, Adam and Haylee are excited to welcome new and familiar faces on Sunday mornings this year! Whether you’ve been to church your whole life or you’re coming for the first time we think we’ve got something that will resonate with your youth!
Sundays @ 10am
In a world where teens can constantly feel like they’re struggling to keep up with everything that’s expected of them Burly Sub Sr. Youth Group is a chance to slow down, play, and dig into the deeper things that help us find out who we truly are. Two Wednesdays a month all Gr 9-12’s are invited to join our leaders Aimee, Adam, and Noun as we play games, talk about where life, faith, justice, and Jesus all come together, and invite one another into ways we can really experience life to the fullest. We’ll also create space for youth to stretch themselves and try new things through teaching leadership development skills. No church or faith background is necessary, so come join us this year at Burly Sub!
2nd and 4th Wednesday from 7-9pm
senior welly youth
On top of our core programming, we partner with a network of friends from The Hub for extra events every month for our jr and sr youth! Each month our youth are invited to join for a roadtrip to a youth worship service and community dinner on the first Sunday of the month! And Gr 7-12 are all invited the third Sunday of the month for a games event with other church youth groups which includes things like video game tournament, volley-dodge championships, movie nights and more! RSVP for these events by e-mailing Adam!
Monthly Worship for high schoolers
Monthly games days for Gr 7-12
our youth leaders:
want to get signed up?!
Adam our Youth Director would love to connect and hear from you.
Fill out the form and say hi and Adam will be in touch. You can also sign up for our Youth newsletter and follow Welly Youth on instagram: @welly_youth.